Community Education

The purpose of the Community Education Program is to provide information and raise awareness on disability-related topics. SOAR Fox Cities offers a variety of educational presentations for adults and youth, and will customize our outreach efforts to the specific needs, sensitivities, and levels of awareness within each group.

Adult Presentations

General DisABILITY Awareness

These presentations are designed to refute stereotypes related to disabilities, help others understand and accept individuals with varying abilities, and help the general public to focus on a person’s abilities rather than disabilities. Information is shared about many different disabilities, including but not limited to Developmental and Intellectual, Autism, and Traumatic Brain Injuries. Attendees will also learn about respectful language and disability etiquette.

Corporate Presentations

These presentations provide organizations with the knowledge, tools, and skills to be able to work more effectively and confidently with people with disabilities. Educational presentations and tailored trainings promote understanding and awareness about disabilities in order to help create a more inclusive environment for people with disabilities. Some topics include, Disability 101, Breaking Down Barriers, Disability Etiquette, and Tips for Serving Customers with Disabilities.

Employment First Presentations

These presentations highlight the benefits of hiring people with differing abilities and may include personal employment stories from individuals with disabilities who are working in the community.

First Responder Presentations

These presentations teach first responders how to recognize the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of an individual with a developmental disability, understand the complexity of encounters, and learn strategies that will provide protection and safety for all.

SOAR 101

An overview of SOAR Fox Cities including our history, mission, programs and services. Learn how we empower people with differing abilities!

For questions or to schedule a presentation, please contact us at 920-731-9831.

Youth Presentations

Kids on the Block (KOTB)

SOAR Fox Cities staff and volunteers use a troupe of life-sized puppets to provide disability/diversity awareness education to elementary school aged children. Each presentation involves a puppet performance followed by educational conversation with the children. The message is people with disabilities have many abilities to share, and that we are all more alike than we are different! Performances take place at schools, daycare centers, churches, public libraries, club facilities, camps, scouting meetings and awareness fairs in the greater Fox Cities area. Skit topics include, Cerebral Palsy, Blindness, Deafness, Autism, Spina Bifida, Multiculturalism, Childhood Cancer, Down Syndrome, Learning Disabilities, Having a Sibling with a Disability, Diabetes, Abuse, and Divorce.

Hands-On DisABILITY Awareness Presentations

These presentations are meant to educate middle and high school aged students on disability/diversity sensitivity and awareness. Presentations are designed to develop empathy in teens about how their peers with differing abilities are affected, and to foster understanding and acceptance among all youth. The program starts with a short presentation and discussion followed by hands-on activities which simulate the effects of different disabilities. Some of the topics include, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Respectful Language.

All presentations and trainings can be tailored to meet the needs, interests, and ages of different groups. Based upon scheduling and topics, SOAR participants may be able to be a part of presentations to talk about their personal experiences.

For questions or to schedule a presentation, please contact us at 920-731-9831.