by MAKE IT SOAR | Aug 18, 2014 | What's Happening
As briefly posted about in the August Newsletter, Wisconsin has made the updates and changes to HCBS 1915(c) and 1915(i). These new changes will put restrictions on Sheltered Workshops such as Valley Packaging, and Lakeside Packaging Plus, and housing situations such as group homes. As noted in the newsletter article, individuals leaving high school and entering the workforce will have to participate in activities through the Department of Vocational Rehab before being able to enter working in a sheltered workshop. This plan is also trying to ensure that IRIS dollars are being spent on the most integrated, and least segregated settings as possible. The changes also include differences in the ways group homes might operate. Residents of group homes will now have more options, such as roommates, doors with locks, what they watch on TV, and what they eat. At the bottom of this post is a link that will direct you to the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services page that contains the 5 year transition plan for these changes, and information on who to contact with your feelings or opinions about the changes and/or plan. The state will be taking comments on this topic until September 2, 2014.
If you are interested in reviewing any of the documents on the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Plan and Comment Page:
by MAKE IT SOAR | Aug 1, 2014 | What's Happening
Dear Members and Participants of The Arc Fox Cities:
The Executive Board is pleased to announce the Agency’s new name!
SOAR Fox Cities, Inc.
Empowering People with Differing Abilities
Thank you to everyone who provided input and feedback regarding the proposed names under consideration for the name change. Responses indicated overwhelming support in favor of a name change with a clear preference for SOAR Fox Cities, Inc. The Selection Committee met for a final time on May 25, 2014 and received final board approval on July 9, 2014.
So… we have a new name. But, there is still a lot to do. During the coming months we will be updating our logo and website to reflect our new name. The SOAR Fox Cities, Inc. (formerly the Arc Fox Cities, Inc.) staff will be updating all stationary, business cards, the website, Facebook page, and other marketing materials they use. Our plan is to notify donors, vendors and other organizations of the new name, along with introducing SOAR Fox Cities, Inc. to the public, all with the intent of completing the entire process by January 1, 2015.
Thank you again for your support and continued participation in SOAR Fox Cities’ activities.
The Executive Board
by MAKE IT SOAR | Jul 24, 2014 | What's Happening
A new family event for fathers will be coming to The Arc Fox Cities, Inc. from 6:00-8:00pm on August 28th in the Lower level of our building. Dads will now have the option to get out of the house on a weeknight and spend a couple of hours with dads in similar situations. Fathers of children of all ages are encouraged to attend, to make possible an opportunity for passing on knowledge, experience, and thoughts. An open, judgment free conversation will take place for the first hour, while cards will be played and music or the Brewers will be listened to in the second hour. This event will be staffed by Mitch Cornils, a Program Coordinator who is excited to meet the great fathers responsible for raising our outstanding members and participants. If interested, have suggestions on dates or times, or simply would like more information about the event, please contact Mitch Cornils at [email protected] or (920)731-9831×111.
by MAKE IT SOAR | Jul 24, 2014 | What's Happening
Dear Members and Participants of The Arc:
The Mission Statement of the Arc Fox Cities is to Utilize Advocacy, Respect, and Concern to empower all
people with disabilities to have the opportunity to choose and realize their goal of a full life and secure future.
This Mission Statement, along with the updated acronym for the Arc was adopted in 1992, at the same time
that the national ARC changed their name to the Arc of the United States. Prior to this the ARC stood for the
Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States.
We, like many others who work with and for individuals with disabilities, recognize the negative connotations
that words like ‘retarded’ and ‘retardation’ have when used to describe individuals with developmental or
intellectual disabilities and feel that it is important that we promote a more positive attitude, focusing on the
strengths and capabilities of all individuals. Additionally, the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign has
drawn additional attention to the dehumanizing and hurtful way that the “r-word” is used in society and
advocates the use of language that respects the dignity of individuals with intellectual and developmental
Although the “r-word” has not been associated with our name for many years, we recognize that in the minds
of many individuals, the acronym ‘Arc’ is still associated with the outdated name and the negative connotation
attached to the r-word. Because of this, the Executive Board of the Arc Fox Cities is considering potential new
names for the Arc Fox Cities. A subcommittee of the Executive Board, through a process involving board
members and Arc staff, presented three potential names at the last Executive Board meeting. Before we
make our final selection we wanted membership to have an opportunity to provide input and feedback
regarding the names under consideration. Please e-mail Sonia Barham at [email protected] with your
Below are the proposed names:
SOAR Fox Cities: Empowering People of All Abilities – Support, Opportunities, Advocacy, and Respect
PACASO: Promoting Acceptance, Celebrating Abilities, Supporting Opportunities
CAPA: Celebrating Abilities & Promoting Acceptance
We would appreciate your feedback by May 23, 2014. A formal name change will not take effect until the
end of the year or beginning of 2015.
The Executive Board
by MAKE IT SOAR | Jul 24, 2014 | What's Happening
Dear Members and Participants of the Arc:
Thank you to everyone who provided input regarding our proposed name change. We received overwhelming
support for making a name change, with many individuals sharing their personal experiences and stories
related to what the name change means to them. We value your input and the Arc Executive Board will use all
of the ideas that you shared along with your votes as we move forward with our name change.
Over the next few months, the Executive Board will work closely with staff to plan for the roll out of the new name. The plan is to
have a final decision about the name made by the end of the summer with plans to roll out the new name by the end of the year,
including notifying membership, stakeholders, and the public, along with updating all materials, signage, and online information.
Again, thank you for all of your input. Based on the responses, it is clearly the right time to make this name change. We appreciate
your support as we move forward with this important project.
The Executive Board
by MAKE IT SOAR | Jul 24, 2014 | What's Happening
Thanks to everyone who donated to “The Flight to Building Opportunities.”
Donors within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region:
Frances A. Bachman and Joseph F. Bachman Charitable Fund
Otto and Joyce Bytof Family Fund
Chuck and Barb Merry Fund
Curt and Jean Detjen Fund
Steve and Mary Evans Charitable Fund
Fox Cities Stadium Charitable Fund
Frank C. Shattuck Community Fund
Irvin and Marie Gunther Charitable Fund
James R. and Jane E. Hayes Fund
Jewelers Mutual Charitable Giving Fund
John and Kathy Peterson Family Fund
Kerwin Fund
Schmerein Family Fund
Schmidt Family G4 Fund
SECURA Insurance Companies Charitable Fund
Walter S. and Amelia M. Rugland Fund
Other foundations:
Acuity Charitable Foundation
J. J. Keller Foundation, Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Foundation
Lou & Joanne Horn Family Fund within the Shawano Area Community Foundation
Menasha Corporation Foundation
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Mielke Family Foundation, a supporting organization of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
Mielke Family Foundation Generation III Douglas & Erin Mielke Fund
Rotary Club of Appleton West Foundation
Doug & Carla Salmon Foundation
Thrivent Financial Foundation
Businesses & Organizations
Agape staff
Appleton Alliance Church
The Boldt Company
The Cawley Company
Community First Credit Union
Faith Technologies, Inc.
First Business Bank
Fox Banquets & Rivertyme Catering
The Galloway Company
Goodwill Industries, NCW
Great Northern Corporation
Innovative Learning Strategies, LLC
JJ’s Laundromat
Johnson Bank
Dave & Julie Johnson (Arnie Consultant)
Lincoln Financial
McCarty Law, LLP
Meyer Services, Inc.
PDI Financial Group
Royle Printing Company
Sales & Marketing Professionals of Northeast Wisconsin
Lawrence & Lorraine Abler
Lee & Amy Allinger
Darlene Anderson
Ken Anderson
Andy & Cindy Andrews
Michael Ariens
Stephanie Armstrong
Kim Bakanec
Max Banaszynski
Sonia & Shanon Barham
Melissa Barker
John & Diane Barkmeier
Jeff & Patti Beltz
Tom and Barbara Bender
Roger & Amy Bertschausen
Mikayla Best
Joseph & Ann Bielinski
Rev. Willis & Ruth Bloedow
Roger & JoAnn Boisen
Pennie Boyer
Robert & Judy Brooks
Bud Broussard & Linda Speering
Robert & Susan Brown
Bob & Bonnie Buchanan
Ralph & Patricia Buesing
Fred W. Burdett Revocable Trust DTD
Danielle Butts
Emily Butts
George & Martha Butz
John & Rose Bykowski
Paul Byrnes
Josh Cabot
Julie Caflisch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Calder
Thomas & Kathleen Cashman
Linda Kay Catenacci
Clance Catlin
Psimon Chetto
Craig & Lisa Christensen
Andrea Clark
Beth & Mikkel Clay
Melanie Clegg
Tim & Nancy Collentine
Christine Cornell
Mary & Jack Couillard
Lou Ann & Dale Counihan
Dr. Daniel Dale
Robert & Anita Damon
Jan & Gale Davey
Bill Depies
Andrew & Beth Detienne
Jennifer Detienne Paul
Rick & Sue Detienne
Richard & Kathleen Devries
Tim Dietzen
Wayne Dietzen
John Doering
Doersch Family
Amanda Dorin
Jeffery & Valerie Dreier
Tom & Pam Duffy
Inez Dufrane
Jorie Enderby
Leota Ester
Steve & Mary Evans
Rachel Fitzgerald
Burga Foltz
Bobby Fox
Catherine Fox
Norman & Karen Fox
Candi Fye
Michael & Mary Gage
Dick Gamble
Robert & Kathryn Geenen
Barbara & Hubert Germiat
Alyshia Giesen
Brittany Giesen
Marlene Glaze
Nathan Gross
Angel Gruber
Dave & Dinny Grueneberg
Dean & Pam Gruner
Tom & Sue Gruper
Randall & Colleen Haak
Tom & Theresa Hannah
Renee Hannay
Melissa Hansan
Theresa Harrington
Jonathan Hartstern
Tom Haskamp
Friends of Joan Helbing
Joan Helbing
James & Janet Hemen
Peg & Gerry Henseler
Craig Herrell
Scott Hietpas
Billie Jo & Mason Higgins
Patricia & Stephen Hirby
Douglas & Jill Hiroskey
Paul & Beth Hoffman
Rosemary Holzschuh
Thomas Huff
Jerry & Helene Iverson
Trish & Jake Jacobs
Ann & Tom Jadin
Randy James
Paul Janke
Peter & Wendy Janu
Diane & James Johnson
Clayton Jones
Thomas & Sue Joosten
Charles Kagen
Michael & Teresa Keane
Mark & Mary Keller
Jim & Sue Kennedy
Linda Kennedy & Steve Lande
Donna Kilsdonk
Todd Klauer
Tim Kling
Rochelle Krapf
Lee & Betty Kraus
Stephanie Kraus
Darlene Krenke
Terry Laib
Jeff & Maren Lang
Deryck Laseke
John & Kris Lavery
Ed & Nancy Lieg
Carol Ligare
John & Ann Lindstrom
Robert & Sharon List
Amy Losselyong
Dan Luebke
Sue Lynch
In memory of Sue Lynch
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin
Wendy & John Magas
Shannan Mancheski
Dominic Marshall
William & Mary Ann Marvin
Becky Marx
Dottie Mathews & Rosann Geiser
Lisa McCallister
Jon & Bonnie McCluskey
Laura & Jay McCormick
Jim McNeil
Paul & Kate Meyer
Jill Mitchler
Frank & Carol Mixdorf
Sam Moder
Dennis Moericke
Michael & Mary Mollon Family
Tom & Diana Morrissey
Kristi Murray
Peter, Cathy & Jack Mutschler
Andrea Myers
Kurt & Janet Nelson
Matt Noffke
Matt Noll
Liz Nufer
In memory of Kathlyn O’Brien
Shawn O’Brien and Bob Pedersen
Daniel & Patricia O’Connor
Rory O’Hagen
Olson Family
Nancy Orbison
Sandra & Jerome Orsted
John & Joyce Ostrowski
Erin Othrow
R. Michael & Susan A. Otto
Joshua & Kara Patterson
Katie Petersen
Carol Peterson
Kathy Peterson
John & Lynn Pfefferle
Michael & Lydie Pfefferle
Sandy Pharis
Joseph & Stephanie Pilon
Diane & Dave Quella
Jackie Raab
William Raaths
Sherry Reagan
Phillip Redman
Rich & Harriet Redman
Michael & Diana Rehbein
Mary & Michael Resch
Tamra & Dan Retlick
Mark & Tyra Robinson
Bonnie & Robert Rodgers
Phillip & Ellen Roe
Tom Roemer & Grace Hennessey
Phil & Susan Rohrer
Alden Ronsman
Colleen Rortvedt
Michael Ross
Agris & Rasma Rozite
Mary Rutten & David Schinbeckler
Julie Sanger
David & Ruth Sauter
Martha Sauter
Dale & Penny Schaber
Karen Schiller & Eric Riggers
Amanda Schmidt
Cy Schmidt
John A. Schmidt & Julie A. Schaller- Schmidt
Richard Schoenbohm
Gerald & Donna Schricker
Max & Gayle Schultz
Lea Seefeldt
Darlene Sekale
Joel & Penny Seymour
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sigman
Mylan & Margaret Sinclair
Nick Smithback
Gloria Somers
Steven & Jenifer Spangenberg
LeRoy & Sandra Spielbauer
James & Susan Springborn
LeeAnn Stein
Ed, Trudy & Amanda Stern
Gary & Nancy Strebe
Laura Strebe
Jim Sullivan
Todd & Sarah Sutton
Gregory Swanson & Ann Gain
Brandt Swardenski
Mary Swifka & Dean Sauers
Thomas & Andrea Tatlock
Sarah Taylor
Mike Thompson
Helen & Ralph Timm
Diana Tischauser
Rico Tomasi
Joseph & Ann Toonen
Melissa Toshner
David Trams
Joe & Kris Troy
Barbara Uehling
Kim & Lauri Van Osdol
Laura Vanden Hogen
Al & Bev Vandenberg
Henry & Mary Vandenbosch
Paula Verrett
Jolene Verstegen
Lyle & Jacqueline Verstegen
Mary Ellyn Vicksta
Dan & Margi Voissem
Jill Vollmer
John Wallschlaeger
Thomas & Ellen Walsh
Richard & Martha Ward
Jenna Waterstradt
Lauren Webb
Allison Weber
Gary & Lynelle Weber
Scott & Julie Weber
Daniel & Lynn Weggel
Henry Weidert
Michael & Michelle Werner
Russell Westby
Barbara Westhofen
Chris Wetts
Mary Kay Weyenberg
Wyon & Mary Jo Wiegratz
In Memory of Georgia Williams
Tom & Barbra Bender
Rick & Sue Detienne
Lee & Betty Kraus
Jim Lock
Jim & Sue Springborn
Mike & Sharon Williams
Steven & Liv Williamsen
Kelly & Fred Wilmsen
Amanda Wilson
Elsa Wilson
Mary Wilson
Deanna Wood
John Woodworth
Reg Wydeven
Numerous anonymous