The Arc Fox Cities and NAMI Fox Valley are so pleased to share that we have not only met our fundraising goal of $999,211, but we’ve exceeded it… raising a total of $1,094,572 for “The Flight to Building Opportunities”! The additional monies raised were targeted for our HVAC system which needed immediate repair. We asked and you generously responded. Thank you for supporting our agencies and our community with your generosity! Together, we are successfully helping people reach new heights.
We are also pleased to share that, in addition to The Arc and NAMI, four additional nonprofits have found a home at 211 E. Franklin Street: Fox Valley Sibling Support Network, Prevent Suicide–Fox Cities, CASA Fox Cities and the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin. Sharing space and other resources with these agencies has allowed the Franklin Street building to become a non-profit campus – living and serving the Fox Valley from a centrally-located, visible, accessible building.
As was the dream, the agencies are sharing common space and saving operational costs in various ways:
• Shared phone and data services
• Shared Building Manager, Financial Administrator and Facilities Upkeep
• Rental income for building owners and low cost of designated and shared space for tenants
• Increased agency endowments/savings as part of the sale of existing buildings
• Future fund for capital costs and preventive maintenance (roof, elevator, etc.)
• Reduced utility costs with new, efficient boilers and HVAC system
• Ample room for all agencies to hold programming on site
• Opportunities for collaboration among agencies
• Shared training among tenant agencies
• Shared events (i.e. all building Volunteer Appreciation Event)
• Convenient access to Valley Transit bus terminal, the Library and Downtown Appleton business
• Handicap accessible facility with elevator
• Growing number of people served and volunteers engaged for all agencies

This very successful collaborative project is a model for nonprofits everywhere. In the short time we have been in our new home, we have experienced cost savings, inter-agency referrals, increased services for our consumers, greater accessibility for those who need us, and a shared vision for continued growth in the future.
We greatly appreciate the support of all our friends and donors. Every donation, from $2.11 to $200,211, helped make this possible. Our deepest thanks to all of you.